
Artificial intelligence will read engineers user manuals

Artificial intelligence will read engineers user manuals

Usually after buying a product, we throw the user manual under the bed. There are many engineers who have given up on reading this manual. The problem is with the manufacturers, their products are not foolproof. This time, AI is bringing a hot solution to this problem. A UK software company has introduced AI technology. There artificial intelligence will read the user manual to the engineers.

Well, did you read the user manual? Did you fall from the sky? When you buy any gadget, household item, it comes with a manual, do you read it? If your answer is yes, you are great. And if not, you’re not alone. Few people read it. Coming to that study a little later.

Let’s get the point across. You either threw the manual under the bed and got away, think about the engineer who made the product. what does he do Interestingly, there are many engineers who are so bored reading this manual that they have given up.

Another problem for manufacturers is that the product is not foolproof. AI is bringing a hot solution to that problem. A renowned UK software company has introduced an AI technology. So that the artificial intelligence will read the user manual to the engineers.

What will be the benefits?

I will go to this topic. Before that let’s see how many read the manual. A UK study says four out of five people don’t read. A US study says 50 percent don’t read. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t. But if this is the case in the industry, it is very problematic. Because the engineer’s weapon is this manual. With this they solve any problem. So this AI technology will monitor that there is no slack in that work.

The UK company that has introduced this technology has a large part of its business in power grids and wind turbines. Products developed in these two areas operate with thousands of sensors. Each sensor hides more and more complex technology. Whose Zion stick is only manual. This manual tells exactly where the problem is. AI will do this.

He would go through the entire manual and tell the engineers where the problem was. The problem that took a long time to understand will be understood immediately. That is, AI will become a monster-sized manual. As he will share the experience of senior engineers, he will teach newbies how to solve problems.

With different ideas on the computer, AI will tell where exactly the problem is, why it is happening. Similarly, by creating 3D images, the problem can be solved in this way. It does not end here. A California tech firm has come up with an even more advanced AI technology.

This technology, called CreatorPro, will create a manual in the blink of an eye as an engineer thinks or sees it. Make a step by step video to solve the problem. So it will work without reading the user manual to solve the problem. AI technology will do all the hard work this time.

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